Pieczęć (bulla) Barucha falsyfikatem?

Dotarł do nas abstrakt artykułu z BASOR:

[agade] ARTICLES: “The Authenticity of the Bullae of Berekhyahu son of Neriyahu the Scribe” (BASOR 372 / Dec. 2014): Via Joseph I. Lauer [mailto:josephlauer@hotmail.com] came a notice about the following article in BASOR vol. 372 (December 2014), pp. 147-158:


“The Authenticity of the Bullae of Berekhyahu son of Neriyahu the Scribe by Dr. Yuval Goren and Dr. Eran Arie. Abstract: Bullae are small lumps of clay, often fingernail-sized and shaped as flat disks, which were usually affixed to a cord binding a commodity or a document and then stamped with a seal. Hebrew bullae from the time of the Kingdom of Judah are known from recorded excavations as well as from the antiquities market. This article reports the results of a set of analyses that were made of two celebrated bullae attributed to Berekhyahu (Baruch) son of Neriyahu, the scribe to the prophet Jeremiah mentioned in Jer 36:1-4. These results were compared with similar analyses of more than 180 bullae, most of them from Jerusalem. The results of the comparison, together with their interpretations, are presented, pointing to the production of the two Berekhyahu bullae in modern times. —

Nowe źródła na temat Niewoli Babilońskiej

CDL Press is pleased to announce the publication of:  Documents of Judean Exiles and West Semites in Babylonia In the Collection of David Sofer Laurie E. Pearce and Cornelia Wunsch Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Vol. 28 David I. Owen, Editor-in-Chief  pp. 364, pl. CV     ISBN 9781934309575 Price: $69

The publication by Laurie  E. Pearce and Cornelia Wunsch of the first, extra-biblical, archival source from the exiled Judean community in Babylonia in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE represents a major contribution to both Mesopotamian and Biblical studies. The volume provides complete editions, translations, copies and outstanding photographs of 103 cuneiform texts from the David Sofer Collection along with an extensive commentary on the hundreds of new personal names with Yahwistic elements that add substantially to our understanding of Judean religious beliefs during this formative period in the development of exilic Judaism. The new documents provide us with new insights into the social and economic life of the Judeans (along with others groups forcibly settled in Mesopotamia by Nebuchadnezzar II) in their own community of Al Yahudu (Jewtown) and their interrelationships with and assimilation to their West Semitic and Babylonian neighbors. The comprehensive analysis and discussion of the new data by the authors offer many additions and insights into the hitherto limited knowledge of this community, the naming practices of immigrant groups over several generations, and, by implication, how other exiles in Babylonia might have been influenced by similar experiences after being forcibly resettled in a foreign environment. This is an essential resource not only for Assyriologists, archaeologists  and historians but particularly for biblical scholars interested in the history of Judaism in its Mesopotamian context.

To order; Shipping:  Outside the U.S. individuals should consider ordering the book through Amazon.com to reduce the shipping charge. Otherwise, within the U.S. shipping $5, outside $40 for up to 3 copies. CDL Press, POB 34454 Bethesda MD 20827, U.S. www.cdlpress.com; fax: 253-4845542; email: cdlpress@erols.com

EABS w tym roku w Kordobie! Czas na zgłaszanie referatów

European Association of Biblical Studies w tym roku zaplanowało doroczną konferencję w malowniczej Kordobie. Odbędzie się ona w dniach 12-15 lipca 2015. W lutym upływa termin zgłaszania referatów. EABS działa – jak na tego typu towarzystwa – dość demokratycznie. Członkowie proponują sesje tematycznie i autonomicznie odpowiadają za ich organizację. Warto odwiedzić stronę z wykazem aktualnie czynnych grup badawczych / sesji tematycznych.

Link do strony EABS z informacjami o procedurze zgłaszania wystąpień.

Toledot Yeshu – krytyczne wydanie z Mohr Siebeck

Ukazała się właśnie dwutomowa publikacja dotycząca Toledot Yeshu, w redakcji i tłumaczeniu Michaela Meerson’a i Petera Schäfer’a. Pomimo odstraszającej i zaporowej ceny będzie to konieczny zakup dla wielu profesjonalnych bibliotek.

Do książki dołączono również dostęp do zasobów on-line, których opis wygląda imponująco: In addition, the purchase of the volume offers full online access to a comprehensive database of Toledot Yeshu manuscripts, designed to encourage and facilitate further research about this important book in the history of Jewish-Christian polemics. All Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts are edited in the present book and database: an unusual combination of a traditional critical edition with an electronic research tool. The database features a full-text search of all manuscripts as well as printing and downloading capabilities. The price includes access to the database (for one simultaneous user). Access for institutions is provided through the IP address, for private individuals through username and password. An activation code is enclosed in the book. Access to a free seven day trial period can be obtained here: toledot [AT] mohr.de.

Link do strony wydawnictwa.